Meeting Planning


Agenda Online - Your connection to the Corporate & Special Events Community's Best Places and Resources

All Time Favorites - One source for all your corporate, wedding and event planning needs

BizBash - Where event and meeting planners look for inspiration, smart marketing strategies, & useful tools. Find the latest industry news and search our directory of resources in your area

Citysearch Manhattan City Guide - Reviews and recommendations

cvent Supplier Network - Planning an event? Search over 100,000 venues, send RFPs, and compare bids - all at no charge

Event Solutions - For Successful Events, Meetings and Incentives

International Supplier Search

Successful Meetings - The online edition of the magazine with links to planners and suppliers

Training Consortium - Connect directly with training, consulting and speaking professionals. Search for organizations and vendors

VenuesOnline - A planner's guide to the best event venues & resources

World Class Speakers & Entertainers

©1996-2024 Bogie's Mystery Tours®. Updated January 2, 2017.